Friday, September 3, 2010


 We are in a time where older homes are more of the real estate market than ever before. Home builders have had to cut way back on new construction because of the flood of foreclosures on the market. This buyer's market has made it tough for sellers to get the most from their investment. Here are some thing to consider as a real estate professional or individual selling your home.
I work with a lot of real estate professionals and one interesting thing I find is how many do not understand the importance of getting the home prepared for the sale. Don't get me wrong, it's not that they are doing a bad job or are not good at what they do, it is more, they are victums of the rapid change in the real estate market over the last 24 months.
 In the past or "the old days" they listed your home, had you clean it up and placed some ads, then bang it was gone in a few weeks. Those days are long gone and savey buyers and investors are taking advantage of the sellers if they are not prepared. Whether you are a seller working with an agent or attempting to sell on your own, here are a few things to consider and ask yourself before you put your house on the open market.

1. How many homes are for sale in my neighborhood or area that are like mine in size and condition?
2.What makes my home a better buy compared to those similar to mine?
3.What is the age of my home? homes over 10 years in age need more work to be competitive.

If your answers are any of the following you need to rethink your stratigy and go out of the box.
1. My home in my opinion is as nice or nicer (curb appeal) that the others.
Buyers answer: Who cares what you think, I am looking for a bargan, the most bang for the buck!..Price, look, location and aminities.
2. I have a nice yard, clean home, good area, great schools....
Buyers answer: Yeah, we like it, but you have a lot of repairs and the house is hot up stairs in the master.
3. My home is 16 years old. I have taken good care of it as best to my knowlege. The air conditioning and the water heater still work fine.
Buyers answer: I want it inspected to find everything wrong so I can get a better price.

 If this is happening to you then here are some out of the box things you can do besides cleaning it up and staging the home. Have the home inspected first and find out what is wrong. Then, get those item fixed either way your gonna pay in a price reduction request from the buyer or fix it as a condition of the close. The other big item is have the home energy certified. This can give you a big advantage because you can show the buyer will have significant savings on utilities compared to the other homes in the area.( FYI, less than 1% of home over 10 years of age are to current energy standards). So, chances are your home is gonna beat the competition.
 Here in Texas, for example, we offer to do the inspection and energy certification work first then get paid when you sell your home out of escrow. You win with a big advantage and little or no money out of pocket.
The agents love it because they take the haggel out of the sale and the sellers love it because they get top dollar for their home.....Win..WIn.....until next time!


  1. Alan...thank you for this great post. It was helpful. You guys are the best!
